The Specialists in espresso accessories.
Details are important: to tamp coffee perfectly , to steam milk without scalding it, to use a steaming pitcher of stainless steel, to gauge the correct amount of espresso (per shot), … If you are a professional barista or ,simply, one coffee lover, you know how important is to take care of details.
Years ago , Ascaso worked on in this area, expanding its range and offering new products , solutions and ideas , all based on quality and… detail.
Our catalogue covers:
1) Basic accessories ( tampers, jars, cocoa dredgers, coffee knock box, cappuccinart, espresso cups, espresso “special” spoons, …)
2) Technical & Care accessories ( espresso test-Kit case-, shot glasses, thermometers, precision scales, espresso machines timers, water softener,… )
and 3) Fun & Decor accesories ( pins, keyrings, cups, old coffee grinders, turkish coffee grinders, coffee pots,…).
We are specialists in “the details”.
This is a small sample.
Enjoy it!
If you want to know all our products ( and details), visit our Professional Catalogue.
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